November 2000 Where do I start a lot can happen in a year and six months or  it can feel like nothing has changed from that day on 22nd May 1999. When asked that question " how are things  and how is Christine and the kids " my reply is usually " not too bad but we still can have the odd bad day ". That is the simple answer, one which requires no great explanation to most.  But that simple answer to the question can and is usually far from the truth. When you say  things are not too bad I wonder to  what do I compare such and answer is it before Gary died or after Gary died. Compared to our life when Gary lived amongst us it can at times be (excuse the term I us ) bloody shit. I imagined a broken heart must be just a stage in life and you'll grow out of "it". I used the word "it ", through ignorance in the context of lack of knowledge. I now know what its like for a person to have a broken heart. But any person could be excused  not to know or feel the emotions that flow within your  body and torments your mind when your own child dies. Even to use the word dies a year and a half later I must pause and think about using to the term " passed away ",I never minded using that phrase and said it a thousand times without a debate in my head to say " passed away or passed over , has died " how ignorant I know I was.

People have used the term " letting go " to me a lot. For a long time I could not understand the letting go just what that involved. Some say the pain you feel, others say Gary himself, he would not want anything of our life now ,  others just say it because isn't that what you say at a time like this to broken hearted parents. I still wonder what does "letting go" mean. We do know that Gary will never come back as our Gary that is  clear from the beginning, the books may talk about the stages of grief  I am not sure if I fitted into the relevant box at the appropriate time but I always knew Gary would not come back in the form I loved. Maybe  the letting go is the realization that life goes on regardless and that means continuing without  Gary. But when you stare into a photo or close your eyes and see the Gary  looking back its such a reminder of what you are missing in your life. They say to bury your parents you bury your past but  to bury your child you bury a part of your future, your hopes, dreams , the reasons why you live. Because we are human and I feel to be a decent human being you must have those feelings that tells us about ourselves. Gary's death continues to tell me a lot about myself and about life. The letting go part is so hard and I feel I'm stuck temporarily in that box.

I shall finish with my  thoughts of Gary for this month of November.  The dark nights that approach. Gary loved to play on  his computer on these long windy nights. His favorite game was CM3 a football game. or to the general public it is known as Championship Manager Three. He played that game forever. A game of managing a football team through a league or cup. And now he plays and is the manager of  the greatest team ever and no doubt we still play our part. If we could play such a game here on earth it would be great to have a friendly against Gary's team.  We must face life as we know it and the imperfections in this world. There are so many good things in this world and I know that they have being given to us for to use and to make a better place to live. To quote Gary " I'm entitled to play here if I wish " and so we all are entitled to live life to the full and enjoy what we have being given. The greatest gift is the love of our children and although we knew Gary for only fourteen years, it has been one of the best gifts I know I shall ever receive. Thank God and thank Gary .


November 2001 This month we went to Dublin for Stephen's second "trials" for the Ireland soccer team. I remember Gary's dream was for Stephen to play football for Ireland and Gary could commentate at the game. When I think of those times the boys kicked football at the end of the street shouting and taking it all so seriously and how simple life was  then.I hear myself sounding like an old man thinking back over the years to " the good old days". I know that those memories shall bring me joy and comfort in time but for now I just want Gary back here doing all the things he loved to do and our family together again.

 It is the month of "all souls", I find the words so very difficult to accept when it comes to a young child who has passed on. To me all souls describes and old person who has lived their life and perhaps committed a few indiscretions along  the way and may be in need of our prayers to help them on their journey into the next life. Gary was an innocent boy who lived a simple life, he asked for little from us. I feel that he already makes a good "soul" because of the love he shared with us and the joy he brought into our life.


"The Honourable Gary somers"

Our Brother

My Angel Gary

Gary goes on t.v

Links to Gary's site

Calender of thoughts

Our Guestbook

Tribute  Fr.Aodhain

Gary's love of Sport

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Tributes to Gary

Sudden Unexplained Death in EepilePsy

Words from Mom

Words from Dad

School Days

Our Memorial for Gary