The Following Poem Gary sent to his mom for her birthday Feb' 98
Mom when I was born you were there I saw your face but what did I Say but "Mama"! What was I doing saying that word it was more thick than ever
When I got older I had bad dreams but of course you cured them. When I got bullied you stood up for me and hugged me.
Now today is your birthday I try not to argue but just it came to me, I'm happy for someone to run to. In trouble at school I told a teacher then you helped me that was ok.
How can I try to repay you well I don't think I can but would it be good if I gave you my hand.
The Month Of February 2000February 5th 1985 Gary was born. It was a time of great happiness for us as a mom and dad. It brought the responsibility of caring for a beautiful little baby and we enjoyed all of it. To speak of Gary's fourteen years would take a while but Gary' last birthday is one which breaks our heart to think of but one we shall never forget. Gary was hard to buy presents for and for many of his birthdays he would only ask for pens and paper to write. For his last birthday he wanted "Championship Manager" a game for his p.c. He played it night noon and morning. For each birthday Gary would have a family tea party. His mom would make chocolate "Rice Crispy" buns followed by a generous helping of "Walls Vienetta" ice-cream. Gary's favourite "cake" was chocolate and after blowing out the candles and singing happy birthday he would smile, his eyes would sparkle it told of the happiness and delight of being one year older and knowing how much we loved him. Gary's mom also had her birthday around this time and it gave him such delight to buy her something small and always tell her how much he loved her. When Gary was younger he would always say to his mom " I can only give you my love because I have no money ",we always remember how generous Gary was with his love. We now must look beyond the pain and heartache since Gary has passed on and try each day to accept our life without our most precious son. At times its almost impossible and at times we don't want to. We will never fully understand why God wanted to call Gary home but I do know he got the greatest football commentator, manager there shall ever be. I hope Gary plays on all teams and never again is a sub on the side line. To all those responsible for kids in clubs remember its the taking part that counts and not always the winning, there are only so many "Pele's and Maradonna's" in this world and so many kids just wanting to play. Don't disappoint any child. Each is entitled to play for their team, who knows what the future hold for us all.
February 2001 Today as I walked with Casper our dog I wanted to write out this for our site. I could think of nothing else. It's Gary's birthday week. On the fifth Gary would be have been seventeen years old. Even to know I had to write caused me to pause and think hard. Seventeen years old and we only had Gary for fourteen of those. I think of Gary's last birthday amongst us and that for me shall be the most memorable. How he wished for his Championship Manager Three game for the computer but he had to wait an other two months for it and how he was willing to hang on to the money until he got that game. We went to " Courtown " on that day , a local beach resort. We did all the usual things we had done on so many birthday occasions for the lads. We spent some time and money in the amusement centre. Later getting something to eat in a " fast food " place. Usually Gary had chips and more chips. We went walking along the beach eating sweets and chocolate and later doing all the little things which went to make up a day out. To celebrate Gary's seventeenth birthday we went to a local hotel and had our lunch on Sunday. We toasted our Gary. Through the week so many thoughts went through my mind. I try desperately to make those thoughts more real by spending time going through Gary's book's and all his " stuff ", just imaging back when Gary was here. I even turn on and off the lamp over Gary's bed which he read by so many times. I suppose I was not happy until my heart ached. And now I get to celebrate Gary's life once again by writing about him on his very own website. I don't know how many more " birthday's " I shall remember but one thing I know on each of those birthdays I shall look back on the happy times that brought so much joy to us and remember the magic of his love. To Gary I send a thousand best wishes and a thousand kisses on his seventeenth birthday and I only wish I could buy him the latest "footie " game for the Playstation.
Gary Liverpool are second in the '99 league and "Spurs are just a little further down, I bet that brings a smile to your face. Take care Gary we love you dearly and miss you heaps.------- xoxoxoxoxoxox-----------------------------------------
February 2003 On the fifth of this month Gary was eighteen. I try to think what Gary would be like. I feel he would have been the same. The smiling face we loved so much, the friendly chats we shared, the football talks that went on each day and all the love he gave to us. So much more that are now our memories of our wonderful boy. We had brought our flowers out the previous day. But we also went out on the day. It was nice to see the couple of people that had specially brought flowers as well and to know that Gary was not forgotten by them lifted our hearts. I find it hard to think of Gary as eighteen and the big man he was turning out to be. I shall always think of him as the boy who loved life, his family, his room, his computer, his school, all the sports that brought so much fun into his life. We send our love to Gary and I hope he is happy where he is now. All our love from Mom Dad Stephen and Lisa.
February 2004 Gary's Birthday Thursday 5th Feb he will be nineteen years old I hope to come back to this page and to add to it further.